Monday, July 20, 2009

The Sun Is Hiding Again – First Solar Eclipse Of the 21st Century

The feelings of witnessing a phenomenon are really out of this world, and actually this is something, which is out of this world. Yes! The first total solar eclipse of the 21st century; although, solar eclipses are a regular phenomena, but as this one is first of this century, that’s why people are very much excited about its occurrence. Of course, those who will witness it will also feel proud in telling their future generations that they witnessed the sun going dark; as every one knows that the next eclipse won’t happen until 2078.

22nd July, 2009 will be the fateful day, when the world will bare witness to this extraordinary spectacle of nature. Among all the different views, some Hindu religious figures are also forecasting chaos on this day. India will be the country, where people will start witnessing this phenomenon, along with other South Asian countries. It will start somewhere in the early morning in he city of Surat, in Southern Gujrat.

Many countries are making arrangements for people, so that they can enjoy this spectacle in its’ full. An airliner has arranged a special flight that will make it possible for people to view the eclipse from the height of 41,000 feet. In Japan, on the islands of Iwo-Jima, a concert has been arranged, and if somehow the clouds come in the way, special screens have been installed, so that no one misses this once in a lifetime opportunity.

A lot of superstitious elements in India are predicting chaos and anarchy on this day. Well, let’s hope none of this happens; and of course, there’s nothing to fear about, because after all, it’s only the view of a single mythical religion, and nothing is based on facts.

It will be a beautiful spectacle of nature, when the moon will cover the light of the sun from reaching the earth; so it is highly recommended that you shouldn’t miss this opportunity, so pack your bags, because you wont witness a eclipse like this in the next 78 years.

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